Wait : Wor Yem : Day 1

David Wynd2022, Advent, Sunday@thePub, Waiting, Wor Yem 1 Comment

Luke 2:25-40

How good are you at waiting? Can you patiently sit, riding your time for the moment to arrive? Or are you a pacer, walking back and forth, counting the seconds till you can tear the wrapper off the gifts under the tree? The two elderly people Mary and Joseph meet in the temple when they brought Jesus there to present him to God had been waiting a long time for that moment.  They were both holding out for a time when they saw God begin something that would change the course of their nation.  They weren’t sure when it would be or what it would look like but they waited. Day in, day out. Year in, year out. Then finally, when their best years were behind them and the chances of them seeing any real change themselves the moment came.  Both Simeon and Anna bound up to Mary and Joseph to tell them the significance of this child that they had welcomed into the world.  I wonder what you are waiting for at this time?  Maybe it is for something as significant as a change in the way the world works. To have a new found hope for the future or to see a change in how life is lived in the here and now.  How are you at waiting for this? Patiently biding your time? With itchy feet, desperate to do all you can to bring about change?  Simone and Anna can remind us that waiting for the right moment is sometimes the most important thing we can do.

Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by the word Wait. Use the hashtag #woryem

Wait for the tide to ebb
Wait for the tide to flow

There is room to wait in this season of advent
Stop for a moment
What is it you are rushing towards?

We are a community of faith
Strandlopers on a journey
We have waited in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go

Photo by Kelly: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-wait-signage-3129810/

Comments 1

  1. Thanks I’m not good at waiting.
    Does waiting mean inaction? Waiting for justice, waiting for freedom and fairness?
    Don’t we thwart God’s will and muck up his timing?

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