
Rob Wylie2023, bible, Jacob, Sunday@thePub 1 Comment

Hi folks, I hope you have had a good week, we have ditched what we were going to do this week, it’s been a long and tough week! We will be meeting at the Shiremoor House Farm on Sunday night at 7.30 if you are around. 

This week I dived into the Lectio 365 app for the first time in a while and would you believe it, it was exploring one of my fav characters in the Old Testament, Jacob. You can find his story from Genesis 25 onwards. I’m sure you could do a great modern movie about his life! He was a twin, and the second born, so that meant he was behind his brother Esau, and so Jacob seemed to make it his life mission to get in front of his brother. Jacob was desperate for his fathers blessing to be passed to him and to become the most important. Sibling rivalry at another level!

We see Jacob having a few encounters with God – Jacob’s ladder, and a surprise encounter, where God says he will bless him, but he is afraid, maybe because of all the stuff he has done in the past to get to the front of the queue before his brother, God though doesn’t look at that though, he is blessed anyway… go figure! 

Then Jacob wrestles with a mysterious figure, supposedly God. His life is marked with struggle even though God promised to bless him, he has trust issues! And Jacob eventually ends up having a conversation with ‘God’ as he refuses to let go. God then gives Jacob a new name and changes the trajectory of his life. 

If you are going to be with us on Sunday night, we will use some images to answer the questions below… If you aren’t able to be with us, why not scroll through some google images and have a go at picking out some  images that relate to the questions below.


Which of these images aligns with your favourite bible character?

Pick an image that best describes your week, and tell us about it. 

Of all the images, which best reflects your view of being top of the class? 

Which image talks about your past (good and bad) the best?

Which of these images talks to you most about struggling?

Grab an image that reflects how you feel about trust? 

If you were to think about the best aspects of who you are, or what you hope to be, which image best reflects that? 

Peace, Rob 

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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