Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok… This week we are meeting at 7.30 at the Enigma Tap, I hope you can join us.
Next Saturday we have Worship Brunch, so we won’t be meeting on Sunday night. And can I give you an advance notice that we have our beach Spring Tides event with Seasoul on Thursday 27th March at 5.30pm… there will be a fire and some snacks! Look out for the flier in due course.
This week we return to the Psalms, reflecting on our connection with nature—specifically, Psalm 19. Some scholars believe this Psalm combines three themes: a creation hymn (vv. 1-6), a hymn about God’s instruction (vv. 7-10), and a servant’s prayer (vv. 11-14). C.S. Lewis even called it “the greatest poem in the Psalter.”
Psalm 19 beautifully unites Hebrew scripture and creation, glorifying God while challenging us to reflect on how we live. The first half describes how creation itself proclaims God’s glory. The heavens “tell” and “proclaim” His handiwork, much like a preacher declaring truth. Days “pour forth speech,” and nights “declare knowledge,” as if time itself preaches about the Creator. Yet, nature speaks without words—its message transcends language, reaching the whole world (v. 4). To understand this divine communication, we must learn creation’s unique vocabulary.
Torah plays a crucial role here. More than a set of laws, it sustains us with wisdom, just as creation reveals God’s glory. Together, Torah and creation reinforce each other, guiding us to live well. Like the sun’s daily path sustaining life, Torah enlightens and restores our humanity.
The Psalm also warns against arrogance, urging reliance on God to avoid sin (v. 13). It concludes with a well-known prayer: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (v. 14). In uniting creation, Torah, community, and the individual, Psalm 19 reminds us of their deep interconnection, upheld by God’s love and justice.
Some questions:
If you had to describe God’s glory using only elements of nature (like the sun, stars, or ocean), which would you choose and why?
How does Psalm 19 illustrate creation as a form of silent yet powerful communication from God?
What role does Torah play in shaping human wisdom and morality, according to this Psalm?
In what ways do creation and Torah work together to reveal God’s character and guide our lives?
How can Psalm 19’s warning about arrogance help us cultivate humility in our faith and actions?
Peace Rob

Rob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership team. He has worked in the North East for over 20 years and has vast experience from various roles he has held. He has a passion for Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry as well as beer, beaches and Miniature Schnauzers.