Count Your Blessings!

Angela Dyer2018, Anxiety, Depression, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, this week we are meeting at the Kittiwake, if you are free it would be great to see you!

As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression I am grateful to those around me who encourage me to keep going when I feel overwhelmed. Those who remind me of my worth and that I am loved. I started listening to the bible app PAYG (pray as you go) on my phone again this week and felt encouraged to hear that I am chosen by God, called and have a purpose. That I am cared about in such a way that even the hairs on my head are counted. I’ve been listening to it while walking our dog, Ruby, in the mornings and have enjoyed noticing the changing autumn colours around me. This photo I took recently reminds me to look up when I feel I’m walking in the darkness. Day follows night, difficult times don’t last forever. The light is coming and will highlight the beauty and colour around me soon. I’ve spent a couple of times counting my blessings too, reminding myself that I am blessed to have a loving husband, a roof over my head, a new day to live, health, friends….it’s helped put me in a more positive mind.

To ponder….add to the comments at bottom of this blog and or bring with you:

1 A film that you go to when you feel down and how it helps.
2 A piece of music or a song that is significant or helpful to you at these times?
3 A verse in the bible, or elsewhere, that you find comforting / uplifting that you could share with the group?
On Sunday night:

Discuss the 3 suggestions above. Then, in small groups write down a list of things we can be thankful for. (Someone will add our list after the session on Sunday night)


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