
Rob Wylie2014, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

So folks… the decorations are probably away, the food has been consumed… folks are back at school and work… life goes on… It would be easy for us to get down spirited with the dark nights of January and February when the plod of life gets heavy… but let’s remember that spring is around the corner. I came across this song by Pharrell Williams before Christmas, and it made me smile, it made me want to share the ‘happiness’ have a read of this proverb and then watch the video clip… 

A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
    a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.

I wonder what strikes you about this proverb and the song… what type of person are you… glass half full… glass half empty? Why not consider over this next week how you can bring a smile to someone else’s life… 
This week we are meeting at the Briar Dene at 8.00pm to chat about this and other things… if you are 18 and over it would be wonderful to see you…  for more info drop me a line.

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