Who would you invite for tea?

David Wynd2019, Eating, Food, Hospitality, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

I can’t remember why I thought of this idea. Maybe it came to me in a dream one night or a vision whilst sat in a local coffee shop. Where ever it came from I thought it would make an interesting conversation starter so here we go.

Most people like eating and most of all they like eating with others. Whether it is lunchtime at work, sitting around the table at tea time or out with friends. Eating with other people is amazing. The food and drink is a part of that but the conversation and the deepening of relationships with others is where it is at.

It’s a spiritual experience and it’s these moments that often feel like God moments to me. There is a reason why Jesus spends a lot of time sitting and eating with others. It’s not just Jesus though, throughout the bible people enjoy eating together.

So here’s what I wanted to ask!

What is the greatest meal you can remember sharing? Was it because of the food or the people you were with?

If you could sit down and eat a meal with 3 “baddies” from the bible, who would they be and why? 

If you could sit down and eat a meal with three “goodies” from the bible, who would they be and why? (You can’t have Jesus…. or God or the Holy Spirit)

Why do you think eating with others creates a great space to build relationship and deepen our experience of faith? 

We are at the Crescent Club at 8pm. Hopefully see you then.

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