Happy Anniversary!

Rob Wylie2019, Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are well, this week we are meeting in the Crescent Club upstairs in the front lounge at 8.00pm.

This weekend sees the 10th anniversary of sunday@thepub! I know, how did that happen! The church seems to celebrate anniversaries more than other organisations… meaning they celebrate them every year! I’m not sure they need celebrating that regularly! But hey!

When I was thinking about this, I wondered about why we celebrate them, maybe it’s about giving thanks for the past, and thinking about the journey we have been on that’s brought us this far. Maybe we think about the people that have been part of the story, and maybe its about thinking about the future.

Some questions

How do you feel about anniversaries?

When you think back in your life what are you thankful for?

Whats important about the journey?

Who are the significant people that you remember?

How do you think about the future?

Whats your story about being part of the community at Sunday@thepub?

Peace, Rob

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