Blob Christmas!

Rob WylieBlue Christmas, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi everyone, I hope your Christmas preparations are going well. This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake at 8pm. Hope to see you there.

Most of you know I work as a trainer. I love thinking of new ways to engage delegates. I’ve recently been using a ‘blob tree’ to help individuals reflect on their feelings about being on the training or how confident they feel about a particular topic. Blob trees can also help to lift the mood at the end of a training session (most of the subjects I deliver are pretty heavy going… domestic abuse, sexual abuse, safeguarding… I could go on).

I found the blob baubles image when I was looking at the blob trees website a few weeks ago and thought it was apt for this time of year. My feelings about Christmas really fluctuate and I’ve often found Christmas Day really difficult – this year Rob and I have decided to volunteer with ‘Make Christmas Special’ and I’m really looking forward to helping others have a good day.

By the way, in case you don’t know, ‘blob’ is Geordie slang for something else so this has caused much hilarity in my training! If you don’t know we’ll fill you in on Sunday night…

Anyway, I want us to use the blob baubles to reflect on a few things…

What’s the best thing about your job?

Which blob represents how you feel about your job?

Do you have any creative ways of making your job more interesting?

Which blob person best represents how you feel today?

Which blob person best represents how you feel about Christmas?

How can we support those who struggle with Christmas, who might feel a bit like the blob person on the smashed bauble?
(if you don’t already know about the Blue Christmas project ask David or Rob)

How will you look after yourself over Christmas?

Is it harder to say ‘no’ and/or manage other people’s expectations at this time?

Share one thing you’d like us to pray for in relation to your Christmas.


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