A few things!

Rob Wylie2022, Advent, Sunday@thePub 1 Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are good! We have been trying to work out what to do on Sunday night, and after a bit of conversation and pondering we have decided to cancel Sunday@thepub this week, there is a certain football match going on. 

So that means next week the 11th December we will be gathering for Beer and Carols at Platform 2 on Tynemouth Station. I hope you will be able to join us for this. We will also be welcoming folks from Mariners and Marras as part of our evening who will be doing a few songs as well. Please do share this event with friends. 

If you have any donations for the reverse advent calendar for Walking With can you bring them on the 11th please. If I could encourage you to put something aside for this that would be great, even if you can’t do the whole thing, all that we can get would be very welcome.  

Also if you haven’t noticed we are doing daily devotionals during advent, please do share them and let us know what you think, they have been fun to write.

If you have anymore #festive30 playlists to send me, please do that too!

Hope to see you on the 11th for a night of carols and fun! 

Peace, Rob 


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Comments 1

  1. Thanks for that,Rob. It’s a bit of a relief not to have to come out tonight-though I was intending to. Have had a full weekend of tree decorating,present wrapping,shopping,then have had a houseful of guests and a 4th birthday party! Definitely intend to be there next week,and in the meantime will catch up with the daily blogs(after the England match)

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