A Pair of Jeans…

Guest Blog2019, Clothes, extinction rebellion, Lifestyle, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, hope you are ok… this week we are meeting back at the Crescent Club, 8.00pm for those who are around. This weeks reflection comes from Stephen… thanks mate!

Having watched a documentary on the environmental consequences of fashion as well as the economic impact of fast fashion I have been struck by what we buy has a massive impact far beyond what you might expect. Making a pair of jeans can use up 7600 litres of water, which is over 760 full baths!

Behind nearly every purchase we make whether food, clothing, electrical items there are ethical, welfare and environmental issues we often don’t consider.

We all need to buy things to eat, and wear and I think we can all agree about the perils of a materialistic society, but this issue is how we approach ever purchase we make, not that we buy to much.

I wonder what Jesus would say about our disconnected free market economics which let’s the market decide what something is worth but puts that in no context. If we knew a pair of Jeans takes 7600 litres of water to make would we see a price of £10 for a pair of jeans seem sustainable and what are the alternatives.


How engaged are you in what you buy, where it comes from, what impact does it have on the environment or the people who made it.

Does the free market economic model need throwing out wholesale or just fixing.

What alternatives are there.

When the really value of something like a pair of Jeans ethically made with good environmental values can cost £100 how do we balance this up as to most people that is a lot of money, the same can be true of ‘good’ food.

How can we reset or re-educate our value systems to help us mark better decisions in what/how we buy.


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