Advent 4

Rob Wylie2013, Advent, Luke, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks… well its getting closer… As i write this a week today it will be Christmas day and maybe you will be attending a Christmas day service, or you will be spending time with family and friends and getting sorted for that Christmas lunch! 

As we approach Christmas and with a few days still to go, have a look at the following verse, we have already looked at hope, peace and love this time its time for us to think about joy! 

’Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people’.

Luke 2:10

As I ponder on this verse I wonder how we can bring joy into the places that we will go over these next days, it will be easy for us to get into the hype and stress of it all that we miss the opportunities to bring Joy in to the lives of those we meet. 

God bless

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