
Rob Wylie2018, Sunday@thePub, Video Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are all ok, this week we are meeting in two places! For those of us going in to Newcastle to see Harry and Chris we will meet somewhere afterwards to chat, but there will also be a group meeting at Cullercoats Crescent Club at 8.00pm, in the upstairs front lounge. 

Last week I was on a coaching course and we watched this video about awareness, this got me thinking about how aware I am of those around me and the situation and places that I inhabit, do I spot the verbal and visual signs when people are struggling? Do I notice the subtle changes in society or in our churches, am I aware of God at work in the world…

Have a watch of the video and see if you can spot the differences in it…

How many did you spot?

How aware are you?

What subtle changes have you noticed in society?

Where have you seen God at work this week in unexpected ways? 


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