Hi folks I hope you are doing ok? This week we are trying out another new pub! We will be meeting at The Crafty Cold Well in Monkseaton. 2 Cauldwell Lane Monkseaton , Whitley Bay. We will be meeting at 7.30. This week we are having a break from looking at our series of blogs around ‘A question of’. Last …
Where the Lost Things Go : Watching as you Grow
3rd April : 6pm Meeting on Cumberland Street, NE28 6SL (W3W voted.spare.leader) walking to St John Street, NE29 6JD, (W3W slam.depend.drill). Approx 1.2miles 30mins trip. Short walk to metros to get back to start point. JOHN 12:12-24 Journeying God of the lost things Are they all lost to death? Is it inevitable? Can death be defied? Death feeding the very earth …
Where the Lost Things Go : Looking for the Place
Walk : 27th February : 6pm Meeting beside Sambuca on Benton Road, NE27 OP (W3W edits.prowling.combines) walking to Shiremoor, NE27 SD, (W3W obstinate.tributes.stroke). Approx 2.4 miles 50mins round trip. GENESIS 28:10-19 Journeying God, of the lost things As we look for the ‘place’ Wander with us. When we take a break, when we rest for a while, when we sleep …
A question of social media
Hi folks, we hope you are ok? This week we gather again after our weekend away. We had a great time exploring what ‘gathering’ and ‘worship’ mean for BFX. This week we are meeting at 7.30 at The Brewery in Whitley Bay. 2-4 South Parade , Whitley Bay. This week’s topic is ‘A question of social media’. Our connectedness has …
A Question of Being Human
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, this week we will be meeting at Platform 2 at 7.30. We look forward to seeing you there. This weeks blog, ‘A Question of Being Human’ is written by John Cooper. A few years ago, my son and I were walking on the beach. He turned to me and said: ”The thing about dogs …
A Question of Belonging
Hi folks, I trust you are ok? This week we are meeting in the Brewery in Whitley Bay at 7.30pm. I hope you can join us. This week we are looking at a Question of belonging… This can be challenging as it explores what it means for us to be accepted. A sense of belonging is a human need we …
War! Huh what is it good for?
I wrote this blog backwards because it got far too long. So there is the short read which should hopefully be enough to take part in the discussion on Sunday (7:30pm Platform 2, Tynemouth). There is then the questions for our conversation. After that you will find the extended addition. It is looong but will give a bit more detail …
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Hi folks, I hope you are good! You will have noticed that we have not been to the club for a while, at the moment they are closing the upstairs bar at 4.00pm and the other rooms aren’t really conducive for us. We will try to add it into our thinking in the spring/summer. So this week we will meet …
A question of ‘earthiness’
Hi folks I hope you are well and that you are easing your way into the new year. This Sunday we will meet at Platform 2 on Tynemouth Station at 7.30, I hope that you can make it? This week we begin a new series of reflections that will stretch out over the year with other themes and one offs. …
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 2023 is a go! As we begin another year we will kick off our weekly gatherings meeting at 7.30 at the The Brewery in Whitley Bay. We have no theme for our first Sunday back, we ease our way into the new year with a chilled evening of conversation and catching up. I hope you …