Happy New Year! 2023 is a go! As we begin another year we will kick off our weekly gatherings meeting at 7.30 at the The Brewery in Whitley Bay. We have no theme for our first Sunday back, we ease our way into the new year with a chilled evening of conversation and catching up. I hope you …
Celebrate : Wor Yem : Day 28
Luke 2:16-20 Who doesn’t like to celebrate? To let your hair down, to party with friends and families or just complete strangers and have a good time. Because life is good or you got that new job or its Friday and why not. Celebrating is a good thing to do. When the shepherds found the baby they had been told …
Expect : Wor Yem : Day 27
Matthew 24:36-44 What do you expect out of life? What do you expect out of your spiritual journey? I was pondering on the first gig I went to post pandemic, I went to see Ferocious Dog, I was full of expectation of what it would be like, how I would feel, we stood at the back that night, just a …
Hearth : Wor Yem : Day 26
Genesis 18:6 We don’t speak of a hearth very often now. It is an old word used for a fireplace or the place in a house where the fire was and the family would cook on it and receive the warmth from it. It was the gathering place on cold winters nights where they would sit and eat and talk …
Welcome : Wor Yem : Day 25
Grab a coffee/ tea/ or other comforting beverage. A question to begin: When do you feel welcome? What elicits that warm, relaxed, weight removing felling? When do you feel you can be truly you? Picture the place, the people, the circumstances. …and sit with them for a little while. I can think of two places where I always feel welcome …
Safe : Wor Yem : Day 24
Psalm 91:1-4 We talk a lot in society and in the church these days about being safe, safer spaces, safer recruitment, safeguarding. Being safe is something that we all crave, and while many of us might say that we are safe I wonder what being safe means for you? Maybe that is a physical sense, or it could be about …
Flee : Wor Yem : Day 23
Matthew 2:13-18 There is a lot said about immigration in this country. Words like invasion are tossed around as if millions of people are pouring on to our shores on a daily basis and that there is no land for them to live upon, no food to feed them with and that all our systems are falling to pieces because …
Asylum : Wor Yem : Day 22
Matthew 2:13 “You can free the world, you can free my mind, Just as long as my baby’s safe from harm Tonight” Massive Attack – Safe from Harm (1991) If you’ve studied social science, then you may have come across Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. If not, let me explain. In 1943 Abraham Maslow proposed that human motivation goes through stages. …
Seeker : Wor Yem : Day 21
Luke 11:9-10 We spend a lot of our lives looking for something. Sometimes we are very aware of the thing we are searching for. The perfect job, house, partner, or holiday. Sometimes the thing that we seek is there but we can’t quite put a finger on what exactly it is we are looking for. Often these unknown searches that …
Thanks and help…
Hi folks, hope you are doing ok!? Just a quick message to say thank you to everyone who donated to the reverse advent calendar for Walking With I had a boot full of stuff, see photo! Thanks also to the new folks who have joined Common Change to help us support the vulnerable, if you would like to join then …