Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, we are meeting on Sunday night at 7.3o for our gathering in the upstairs front bar, you would be very welcome to join us. We have had a bit of a break from the book we have been looking at so it is time to dive back into it, this week the …
Who owns the Pond?
This weeks blog comes a friend of ours called Tracey Hume who is a deacon in the Methodist Church and currently works as the Newcastle Methodist District’s Community Engagement Enabler. She has also been pivotal in setting up a Poverty and Truth Commission in Gateshead. We all know that the cost of living is going up. Fuel bills, cost of …
Old and New
Let’s talk Christmas….. It’s where Pete starts the chapter so blame him for a start of May look at all things Christmas. Christmas comes with traditions like what you eat, when you open presents, what you watch on tv and many more. These traditions are part of your life and are given to you by your family. But when you …
Seriously Updating the Ancient Faith: Adapting to Survive
Hi folks, I hope you are well? This week we are meeting at 7.30 at the Crescent Club in the upstairs lounge overlooking the sea front. We hope that you can join us. This week’s blog is written by Sue. Well, here we are in the ninth chapter of the book “How the Bible Actually Works”. I don’t know about …
Jesus and all That
Welcome to this weeks blog for those reading this live! We are meeting at the Crescent Club at 7:30pm but also there is an opportunity to meet beforehand to share in a Holy Week reflection that is 7:15pm Cullercoats Bay for Signs of Wonder. If you are reading this because google has brought you here then enjoy and leave a …
Imagining and Reimagining God
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, we will be meeting at 7.30 in the Crescent Club in the upstairs lounge that looks out onto the seafront, you would be very welcome to join us. This week we are thinking about ‘Imagining and Reimagining God’. As I read this chapter it reminded me of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they portray …
What is God like?
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok, this week we are meeting at the Crescent Club, upstairs in the front lounge bar, meeting at 7.30. It would be lovely to see new and old faces. This weeks reflection is written by Pauline. Peter Ennes begins this chapter by telling us ‘The Universe Freaks Me Out ‘. Had he (and …
Telling tales…
Hi folks, we are back at the Crescent Club in the upstairs room overlooking the seafront on Sunday night from 7.30. You would be very welcome to join us. This week we are back exploring the Bible. This week’s chapter is titled Everything Changes. First of all in this chapter Pete explains that the bible is a ‘story’ of how …
What is Net Zero and why is everyone on a journey to it….
Hi folks, we will be meeting as normal at the Crescent Club at 7.30, it would be great to see you if you are able to join us! This week we take a wee break from exploring the bible and so i’m please that Claire Thew has agreed to write a blog for us reflecting on the language of the …