Hi folks, this week we are meeting in the Crescent Club at 7.30, I hope you will be able to join us. We are continuing our series thinking about the Bible, this week’s theme is Wisdom = Time + Diversity. I often find when I read the bible, I take it at face value, even as someone who has studied …
Why we need lawyers!
Welcome to this weeks blog which is based on the third chapter (God’s Laws: Evasive and Fidgety Little Buggers) of Pete Enns book (How the Bible Actually Works). Rules or laws are complicated, they shouldn’t be but they are. Let us take a look at some everyday simple rules and laws that shouldn’t be difficult to follow but some …
The Bible doesn’t tell us what to do!
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, this week we are meeting at the Crescent Club at 7.30, it would be great to see you if you are able to join us. We are still being careful when moving around the club so we would ask you to wear a mask when you aren’t seated. This week we move …
The Bible’s True Purpose
We are often most disappointed or disillusioned with something when it fails to live up to the hype. So that latest tv show you have been told is a must see turns out to be slow and boring so you lose trust in the persons opinion. The band that are the next big thing play repetitive generic music and you …
Soothing the Suffering
Soothing the suffering is nothing new, especially during the last two years as we’ve navigated our way through the pandemic. Suffering will mean something different too each of us depending on the external and internal situations we find our self in. A phrased used a lot on social media during the first lockdown was ‘We’re all in the same storm …
Coming Soon
As we slowly move through January and cast of those silly resolutions we promised we would stick to only two weeks ago and prepare ourselves for what 2022 has to bring we thought it would be good to do a little preview of the theme we are going to be tackling over the coming months (with some guest posts in-between …
Pondering… Who knows!
Hi folks, Hmmmm, ok, i’ll start with it… Happy New Year! How you all doing? This week we are meeting face to face at the Cullercoats Crescent Club at 7.30. We were supposed to be starting a new theme this week but we are going to push it back and start it in February, basically Covid stopped play! If you …