Greetings! I hope you are keeping well in these strange and uncertain times. We are really missing our Sunday nights at the pub. Conversely meeting virtually makes the world a much smaller place – it’s great that those from further afield are able to join us on Sunday nights. We will share the zoom link nearer the time. I’m going …
Che Guevara – ‘Influencer – Prophet’?
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok… the weather is helping me stay sane!! We will meet on zoom on sunday night at 8.00pm, i look forward to seeing you. If you would like the link then let me know. For those of you in the BFX messenger group I will also post the link in there sometime on …
BFX Rock the Lockdown Mixtape 2020
As we continue to make our way through the lockdown here is the playlist you have been waiting for. Enjoy
St Paul – Prophet, Influencer
Hi folks here is this weeks blog… This weeks blog comes from Noreen, looking at St Paul: All of you, I’m sure will have some insight into the life of St Paul, and his influence on the early Christian church. Travelling around Europe it’s difficult to avoid him, in the statues and references to his presence there. In Rome his …
William Wilberforce – “Influencer – Prophet”?
Hi folks, i hope that you are doing ok, even though life might be tough right now, We will be meeting on Zoom on Sunday night, so i hope you can join us… If you would like to be part of that evening could you let me know. This week Naomi has written this weeks blog on William Wilberforce: So, …
BFX March 2020 Mixtape
Here it is! The March mixtape for you all to enjoy. April is now upon us and I will be asking for your choices as the month progresses. If you want to know more about the mixtapes check out January (with a little bit of an explanation about the monthly mixtapes) and February with a little bit of an explanation about …
Harry Potter – Prophet, Influencer?
Hi folks, I hope you are keeping yourself safe at this difficult and confusing time. This week we start a new way of working by using Zoom software, to meet for SUNDAY@HOME! So If you haven’t got your favourite tipple sorted for Sunday night, why not pop along to your local independent shop and purchase something lovely! If you want …