Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok? This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake at 8.00pm, it would be lovely to see you if you are able. This week I want to talk about the trees! Psalm 1 talks about the trees like this, it says that we are ‘like trees planted by a stream of water that …
An Autumn Pilgrimage
Last Sunday afternoon the folks from BeachcomberFX went for one of our regular walks, this time we started at Plessey Woods to Stangington and then back to the car park, it was about 6 miles in total and we were out for about four hours including time to stop for a beer in a local hostelry. Seventeen adults, six kids …
BeachcomberFX Pilgrimage…
We continue to walk and wander on a fairly regular basis. On our weekend away in February, Pete challenged us to think and look for alters in the world… these are places that can help us discover God in the everyday environs we find ourselves. There are many that we can discover in nature, a broken tree, a tree stump, …
Summer Solstice Wayfarer Pilgrimage
This last week on the longest day of the year we wandered around the Cobalt Business Park for our Wayfarer walk of about 3 miles. The reason we choose this venue is that on the top of the hill there is a large sun dial and you can view much of our locality and it gives a great view to …
Lent Pilgrimages 2016
Light in the darkness – Lent walks 2016 Over the last few weeks as part of Sunday@thepub we have been doing our lent walks, this has been our third year. The last couple of years we have walked the coastal route from North Shields to Seaton Sluice. As part of this we have had oppertunities to pause and reflect along …
BeachcomberFX Weekend Away 2016
In the past I have led lots of weekends away for young people. They were always memorable times of building faith and encouraging friendships, as well as being loads of fun! I have just come back from a rather different weekend away with a great bunch of folk who are part of several groups of people with whom my wife …