Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok, this week we are meeting at 7.30 at the Shiremoor House Farm, I hope you will be able to join us. This weeks blog is written by Sue. Since the beginning of the year I have been reading the daily meditations from the Centre of Action and Contemplation of which week 2 …
Pursuit of silence
Hi folks, how are you doing? This week we will meet at the Enigma Tap from 7.30. I hope you will be able to join us. This week we are going to think about a subject that’s very close to my heart………… Silence! Those who know me, will recognise that I generally don’t do silence, in fact as I write …
Happy New Year!
Hi folks, I trust you are all recovered after the Christmas and New Year shenanigans. It’s been a steady start to the New Year for us, easing back in to work and trying to not let the damp weather get to us. A few things to say as we start the new year, we still have a bit of availability …
Luke 1:26-38 LISTENING – Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area
Hi folks, we hope that you have a great Christmas… We aren’t meeting this Sunday night with it being Christmas Eve and people will want to do their own thing. Our next gathering will be on the 7th January… We hope you have a blessed time, and be sure to look after those you love and care for and keep …
Thank you!!
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok! I just want to say a huge thank you for being with us over the last year. I realise as i write this, that some of you we don’t see often, but be assured that you are in our thoughts and prayers. For those who live further away, again we value you …
Advent week 3: Pointing to the light (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
Hi folks… I hope you are doing ok… This week we have Beer and Carols… It would be great to see you at Platform 2 on Tynemouth station if you are able to join us! We are though carrying on our advent themes, and this week, Caleb has written the blog although we wont be discussing it, you would be …
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok! This week i want to remind you about two things… See the images for more details – I’m looking for you festive 30 songs of the year… and also next week we have Beer and Carols at Platform Two, i hope that you can join us! This week we will meet at …
Advent Week One – Letting Stuff Go – Mark 13:24-37 Hi folks, as we enter advent I have asked some folks to write a blog for each week, based on a passage, and a theme that the Methodist Church have put together called ‘Out of the Ordinary’. This weeks blog is written for us by Ben, to see the reading …
Everybody Hurts… sometimes
Hi folks, hope you are doing ok? This week we will be meeting at Platform 2 in Tynemouth, I hope that you can make it. This week’s blog comes from my experiences of this last week and my reading around it. I came across a quote from Ordinary Human Failings by novelist Megan Nolan, before we get to the quote, it opens …