Body : Wor Yem : Day 16

Rob Wylie2022, Advent, Sunday@thePub, Wor Yem Leave a Comment

Psalm 139:13-16

How do you feel about your body? Your humanness? The body is a peculiar thing isn’t it? We have the uniqueness of who we are written into our DNA, not to mention, our fingerprints, voice, teeth, as well as our walk, tongue, lips, eye and even our toes!! Who knew? We are incredible!

I suspect each of us looks at our own bodies and wishes something was different about us? I suspect many of us wish all kinds of things about our bodies. I am very much aware as I write this that our bodies don’t always behave themselves, My incredible wife Karen, lives with pain… all the time! It can dominate her life, and that is what is so tough about the body, it can cause us so much trouble.

When I was younger my experiences of having a stammer crippled me, I know I ride over it these days, I have strategies to help me, but from time to time it winds me up, it gets me frustrated. I’m also aware as I write this of the pain and anguish of watching friends and families bodies failing. We all have experience of watching the reality of this I’m sure! It is incredibly difficult.

So when I read these verses from the Psalms, and others like them it can be difficult to think that actually we are special, that we are loved, that we have the very stamp of the divine written within us? Advent and the Christmas season is a reminder to us all just how beautiful we are, may we begin this advent to know that for ourselves.

Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by the word body. Use the hashtag #woryem

Body positive
Body, negative

There is a uniqueness about who you are
stop for moment
How does that make you feel?

We are a community of faith.
Strandlopers on a journey.
There is rest in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

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