Blue Christmas

Rob Wylie2018, Blue Christmas, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok, and that the Christmas season isn’t keeping you from some space for reflection and peace. This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake from 8.00pm if you are free and want to join us.   I’ve been in Newcastle a fair bit over the last few weeks, and it’s been interesting to …

Count Your Blessings!

Angela Dyer2018, Anxiety, Depression, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, this week we are meeting at the Kittiwake, if you are free it would be great to see you! As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression I am grateful to those around me who encourage me to keep going when I feel overwhelmed. Those who remind me of my worth and that I am loved. I started …


Rob Wylie2018, Sunday@thePub, Video Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are all ok, this week we are meeting in two places! For those of us going in to Newcastle to see Harry and Chris we will meet somewhere afterwards to chat, but there will also be a group meeting at Cullercoats Crescent Club at 8.00pm, in the upstairs front lounge.  Last week I was on …


Angela Dyer2018, Death, Remembrance, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, This week we are meeting at 8.00pm in the Kittiwake in Whitley Bay, if you are able to join us. Remembrance Sunday WARNING! – this post discusses death. At this time, when nations are remembering those who died during the wars, I have been thinking about how we deal with death.  I freely admit that death is something I …

Let’s Talk About Halloween!

Guest Blog2018, Halloween, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you folks are doing ok, and that you are coping with one less hour of daylight! This week we are meeting at the Crescent Club at 8.00pm if you are around and want to join us, we meet upstairs in the front room overlooking the harbour. This weeks guest blog is from Karen Morley. I’d like to …

An Autumn Pilgrimage

Rob Wylie2018, Pilgrimage, Scavenger Leave a Comment

Last Sunday afternoon the folks from BeachcomberFX went for one of our regular walks, this time we started at Plessey Woods to Stangington and then back to the car park, it was about 6 miles in total and we were out for about four hours including time to stop for a beer in a local hostelry. Seventeen adults, six kids …

BeachcomberFX Pilgrimage…

Rob Wylie2018, Pilgrimage, Wanderer Leave a Comment

We continue to walk and wander on a fairly regular basis. On our weekend away in February, Pete challenged us to think and look for alters in the world…  these are places that can help us discover God in the everyday environs we find ourselves. There are many that we can discover in nature, a broken tree, a tree stump, …