Eating Leftovers

Rob Wylie2021, Food, Liturgy of the Ordinary, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, this weeks blog is written by Karen, we are meeting at the Crescent Club at 7.30. Please do keep in mind social distancing and don’t forget to bring your mask! Look forward to seeing you there. This week’s theme is eating leftovers and it’s no secret I love eating. Baking and eating a variety of cakes, bread and …

Ric Stott Image

Following the Wild Spirit of Christ :
 How a trip to the forest lead to me leaving Methodist ministry

Guest Blog2021, Creativity, Human, Spirit, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

I came into the church as a teenager with no background in Christianity or any kind of religious framework in my upbringing. However, I had always had a sense of something beyond that was drawing and beckoning me out of my limited self. The Christian faith gave me a framework to understand and nurture that sense of beckoning. In time …

Set of keys

Losing your keys

Guest Blog2021, Liturgy of the Ordinary, Lost, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

It’s Wednesday morning and I decided to read the chapter on lost keys one more time before sitting down to write this blog. I read the chapter and decided to mull over what the author has written regarding how the un-pretty side of her emerges when the ordinary daily routine is interrupted, held up or completely changed. She speaks about …

Messy bed

Making the Bed

David Wynd2021, Spirituality, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Do you make the bed? Once upon a time the answer to this question would most definitely have been no.  I would wake up (that was last weeks blog), crawl out of bed and go about getting ready for the day by washing, putting on clothes and eating cornflakes.  At night I would then collapse in to the bed again, …