Paying Attention

David Wynd2022, Edinburgh, Fringe, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

In August Rob and I made a flying visit to Edinburg to do some “work” at the fringe with the Methodist church. Our job was to pay attention! A simple task. Well! If you have been to the fringe you will know it is an assault on the senses. Posters, flyers, people, entertainment, jugglers, comedians, musicals, giveaways, noise and so …

How You Doing?

David Wynd2022, Anxiety, Mental Health, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Now if you have watched Friends you will know that Joey’s chat upline is the title of this blog.  And if you do know how Joey says “How you doing?” your brain may have just read the tile using Joey’s voice and if not you may have just it now haha.  So where are we going with this weeks blog, …

Let’s talk about the Maccabees!

David Wynd2022, bible, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

I read this chapter and thought it was a bit unfair for me to go through all Pete unpacks and then not be there to join in the discussion (I am at a wedding).  If you have read the chapter you will know it is focussed on the resurrection and how this event caused the gospel writers and even more …