
David Wynd2024, Addiction, home, monsters, Sunday@thePub 1 Comment

We are meeting at the Sea View Lounge at the Crescent Club again at 7:30pm. This is because it doesn’t have a TV so it should be quieter up there as any venue with a television that is showing the game will be very busy. Depending on how well/poorly England play there may be some late comers but hopefully we …


A question of …. Addiction

Sue Hutchinson2023, A question of, Addiction, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Welcome to this weeks blog. If you are joining us to have a conversation around this then we will be meeting at Platform 2 in Tynemouth. Addiction is a big subject and has many big questions around it from Health professionals, psychologists and Spirituality/Faith organizations. So this blog is a snap shot, a small scratch on the surface to this …