William P Brown, in his book The Seven Pillars of Creation, notes that there are at least seven creation narratives in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament). If you asked most people how many creation narratives existed in the bible they would say one. Some who have read into Genesis 2 would tell you that there are maybe two. …
The Blue Marble – Psalm 104
This is one of the most famous photographs ever taken: The Blue Marble, taken on the 7th December 1972 from Apollo 17. It has been said that the pictures taken from space starting in 1946, and famously earthrise taken on Christmas eve 1968, helped to galvanise the environmental movement. It was the first time that man had seen the earth …
Bring on the Sacrifice
Over the last few months we have been reflecting on books, films, music and other things that has inspired or challenged us. Well over the past few weeks all I have done is consume vast amounts of material on the book of Leviticus. I am afraid that is what you are going to get here. Bring on the sacrifice! A …
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok! This week i want to remind you about two things… See the images for more details – I’m looking for you festive 30 songs of the year… and also next week we have Beer and Carols at Platform Two, i hope that you can join us! This week we will meet at …
Advent Week One – Letting Stuff Go – Mark 13:24-37 Hi folks, as we enter advent I have asked some folks to write a blog for each week, based on a passage, and a theme that the Methodist Church have put together called ‘Out of the Ordinary’. This weeks blog is written for us by Ben, to see the reading …
What are we holding on to? What are we fighting for?
Hi folks, I trust you are doing ok and that you have had a good week whatever you have been doing. This week we are meeting at the Quarry Pub at 7.30. I hope that you can join us. It has been a strange old week, adjusting to darker nights has really affected me. I think generally the grimmer the …
A question of imagination…
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, this week we are meeting at the Brewery in Whitley Bay, it would be lovely to see you if you are able, meeting at 7.30pm. This week I have struggled to think about what to write… I didn’t fancy one of the Big Questions blogs this week, although like last week you …
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok? This week we are travelling around again, and are meeting at 7.30 at The Brewery, at the top of South Parade in Whitley Bay. I hope you can join us. This week we continue our walk through the Beatitudes and are thinking about a theme that dominates life across the world right …
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” – Matthew 5:8 Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok, this week we mixing it up a little and going to meet at Platform 2 on Tynemouth Station at 7.30. If you are doing the reverse advent calendar you can bring some of your items on Sunday …