Blob Christmas!

Rob WylieBlue Christmas, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi everyone, I hope your Christmas preparations are going well. This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake at 8pm. Hope to see you there. Most of you know I work as a trainer. I love thinking of new ways to engage delegates. I’ve recently been using a ‘blob tree’ to help individuals reflect on their feelings about being on …

Blue Christmas

Rob Wylie2018, Blue Christmas, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok, and that the Christmas season isn’t keeping you from some space for reflection and peace. This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake from 8.00pm if you are free and want to join us.   I’ve been in Newcastle a fair bit over the last few weeks, and it’s been interesting to …