Seasons change

Rob Wylie2024, Change, Seasons, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

HI folks, it’s good to be writing this at the start of September for our first gathering after the summer break. I hope you have had a good summer? This week we will meet in the Tavern and Galley at 7.30, it would be great to see you if you are able to join us. We will be continuing our …


Rob Wylie2021, BeachcomberFX, Change, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are well. This week we will be meeting in gardens at 7.00pm – if you want to be part of these gatherings or if you can host please comment below or send me a message! Groups will be allocated on Sunday morning. This week we want to build on Karen’s reflections about change. Over the last few years it has been …