scrabble tiles spelling the word Law. Photo by CQF-Avocat from Pexels

Why we need lawyers!

David Wynd2022, How the Bible Actually Works, New Testament, Old Testament, Sabbath, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Welcome to this weeks blog which is based on the third chapter (God’s Laws: Evasive and Fidgety Little Buggers) of Pete Enns book (How the Bible Actually Works). Rules or laws are complicated, they shouldn’t be but they are.   Let us take a look at some everyday simple rules and laws that shouldn’t be difficult to follow but some …

Walter Brueggemann

David Wynd2020, bible, Human, Imagination, Influencers and Prophets, Old Testament, Politics, Sabbath, Sunday@thePub, Walter Brueggemann Leave a Comment

Born in Nebraska in 1933, Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament theologian, St Louis Cardinals fan and for some, one of the most influential Old Testament scholars of the last 40 years or so. He uses a practice called rhetorical criticism (basically looking at the meaning behind words, phrases, images, gestures, performances, texts, films etc that people use to communicate) …