Who owns the Pond?

Guest Blog2022, Food, Lifestyle, Politics, Poverty, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

This weeks blog comes a friend of ours called Tracey Hume who is a deacon in the Methodist Church and currently works as the Newcastle Methodist District’s Community Engagement Enabler. She has also been pivotal in setting up a Poverty and Truth Commission in Gateshead. We all know that the cost of living is going up. Fuel bills, cost of …

Peter Singer – Influencer and prophet?

Rob Wylie2020, Eating, Environment, Influencers and Prophets, Peter Singer, Poverty, Sunday@thePub, Veganism Leave a Comment

Hi folks, how ya doing? This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake from 8.00pm, it would be great to see you. We continue with our series on ‘Influencers and Prophets’. This week we consider the work of Peter Singer… Who I hear you cry! Peter Singer is an Australian moral philosopher who specialises in applied ethics. This is the …