A question of ‘earthiness’

Rob Wylie2023, A question of, A question of earthiness, Environment, Spirituality, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks I hope you are well and that you are easing your way into the new year. This Sunday we will meet at Platform 2 on Tynemouth Station at 7.30, I hope that you can make it? This week we begin a new series of reflections that will stretch out over the year with other themes and one offs. …

Messy bed

Making the Bed

David Wynd2021, Spirituality, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Do you make the bed? Once upon a time the answer to this question would most definitely have been no.  I would wake up (that was last weeks blog), crawl out of bed and go about getting ready for the day by washing, putting on clothes and eating cornflakes.  At night I would then collapse in to the bed again, …