We are at the Galley and Tavern this Sunday from 7:30pm. See you then lovely people. A few years ago a sermon I preached as part of a series on prayer ended up being the most controversial thing I’d ever done. Its subject was the word “Amen”. So, I thought, let’s give it another try 🙂. So let me start …
Get out of your comfort zone
Welcome back everyone! Hope you have enjoyed the long weekend last week. We are meeting this week (7th April) at the Enigma Tap at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome. This weeks blog is from Naomi. So, I’m sitting here on a Monday morning writing this, when normally I would be enjoying a lie-in on my day off. The reason being? Well, …
Hi folks, I hope you are doing? This week we are meeting in the Quarry pub on the Broadway, it would be lovely to see you if you are able. This next week, I have another birthday… Ugh! It’s in that spirit that I offer the following pondering. It seems to me that we are often faced with a sense …
Weeds and Roots
Hi folks, hope you are doing ok! This week we are meeting at the Tavern and Galley, 71 The Links, Whitley Bay NE26 1UE. Meeting at 7.30 for those of you who are around. This week i’m thankful that John Cooper has provided this weeks blog for us. Forgive me for a second allotment-based blog this week. I’m the type …
Here is this weeks blog! hope you enjoy it. We are meeting at the Enigma Tap on Sunday at 7:30pm see you all then. Claire and I have recently got an allotment. During half-term we started to clear it off and we had many of our neighbouring allotmenteers pop around to introduce themselves. All of them advised us to: “take …
Hi folks, hope you are doing ok! This week we are meeting in the Quarry from 7.30, it would be great t see you if you are able. This weeks blog is written for us by Karen. In 2018 the Mirror reported on research into pub conversations. It found that pub chat is at its absolute best after precisely 3.3 …
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok, we are back to our regular gatherings this Sunday night, meeting at the Tavern and Galley, 71 The Links, Whitley Bay NE26 1UE from 7.30 We hope you can join us. At our recent weekend away we spent time trying to build the Beachcomber story and what that community in different …
Woodland wondering…
Hi folks, i hope you are doing ok… This weekend is our weekend away so we won’t be meeting on Sunday night. As part of our weekend away we are going to be doing a woodland walk, which Pete has organised for us… He has written a preamble for us, which I think those of you who aren’t coming will …
Sci-Fi and Stories
Hi All, the blog this week is from John Morley and we will be meeting at The Enigma Tap at 7:30pm if you are wanting to join us. In the days before the internet there was a bookcase. In the days before streaming there was a library. In the days at the end of the moon landings there were stories. …
Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok! This week we are having a chilled evening, meeting at the Quarry at 7.30 The Quarry Inn 90 Marden Rd S, Whitley Bay NE25 8PL I hope that some of you will be able to make it along. Peace Rob Rob WylieRob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership …