
Rob Wylie2021, BeachcomberFX, Change, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks,

I hope you are well. This week we will be meeting in gardens at 7.00pm – if you want to be part of these gatherings or if you can host please comment below or send me a message! Groups will be allocated on Sunday morning.

This week we want to build on Karen’s reflections about change. Over the last few years it has been wonderful to share the leadership of BFX with some awesome people. A few weeks ago I gave space for those who have been part of the team to step back if they felt they needed a break from the responsibility of leadership. After some consideration, Angela and Glenn have decided to step back, they have lots going on with their work at the moment and life is just hectic. I am soo thankful to them for the work they have put in over the last few years. Their wisdom and support have been invaluable to me and the rest of the team.

As a leadership team we have thought and prayed about the next steps in leadership. We are pleased to say that Sue Hutchinson has agreed to join the team. I worked with Sue many years ago when we were both in youth work so it feels like we have come full circle. So the team is now David, Naomi, Pauline, Sue, Karen and myself.

Change is never easy and this year we have experienced so many changes, many of which are still in progress. In my other role, everything is changing. Sunday service, pastoral care, small groups… it’s really exhausting! At BFX we have also had to change the way we do things and we have added new threads to our work, like BFXCreative, short scavenger walks, and I suspect there will be more change to come as we emerge from these last fourteen months.

When I think about change I wonder about those early disciples after Jesus had died, and after the resurrection, and then as they gathered in that upper room, these were moments of significant change for them and for the world.

My faith journey has changed over the years as well, long gone are the days when I thought I had everything nailed down and I was sure what it meant to follow Jesus. These days I’m happy to live with the questions I can’t answer and sit comfortably with doubt, its like drinking a great pint!

I wonder what changes you have experienced over this last year and over your lifetime! I’m sure there are many of you that even wondered if you would come out of the last year alive!

As we move into this next period, life is likely to feel chaotic and even scary at times. I’m thankful for you as a community, you have kept me going and you have kept each other going! Well done!!

We still have a way to go yet and so can I encourage you to keep walking with each other, keep looking out for each other. And let’s be gracious with each other in the next season of emerging change.

If you are able to join us for the picnic on the 12th June, it would be great to see you especially if you have found it hard to remain connected over the last few months.

So, some questions.

What’s been the biggest personal change in your lifetime?

What event over the last year has challenged you the most?

What has been the hardest thing to adapt to this last year?

What has been the highlight of this last year? (if you have one)

What stories of change in the bible resonate with you?

What are you anxious about as we emerge from this last year?

Peace, Rob

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