
Karen Wylie2019, Lifestyle, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hey folks! Hope you are having a good week. This Sunday we are meeting at the Kittiwake at 8pm. Hope to see you there!

This week I’d like us to think about driving. I love driving but it seems to me that being behind the wheel of a car can bring out the very worst in someone. I have seen numerous road rage incidents and indeed been flashed or beeped at on many occasions by seriously agitated drivers (obviously I was never at fault). It’s like being within a car makes us a little bit more anonymous and able to go beyond normal British social etiquette, a bit like social media perhaps. In my time in Probation I saw generally law abiding people go to prison for serious driving offences where lives were lost.

On the other hand I have had some amazing conversations in a car – it seems like some of the normal barriers are removed when we’re not facing each other. Rob and I do lots of our planning and scheming when on long journeys. Cars also enable us to visit amazing places and maintain contact with friends and family.

I also want us to think about how we as Christians and/or generally decent human beings should be driving. Back in the 90’s it was the done thing to have a Christian fish symbol on your car. I never wanted one and never really understood why anyone would… unless you were going to be super courteous and stick to the speed limit was there any point?

Some questions to ponder…

What was your first car?
How many times did it take you to pass your driving test?
What is the best thing that has happened when you’ve been in a car?
What was your worst driving experience?
Have you any points on your licence? 
Did you ever have a fish on your car? If so did it make any difference to your driving?
How do you think Jesus would drive and what car would he go for?
If you had to set 5 commandments for driving what would they be and why? What about speeding or the use of mobile phones?

Looking forward to hearing what you think. Peace, Karen 🙂

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