Those who know me, know that I love the light nights and particularly the warmer weather, as the clocks go back and we have less light my mood shifts and life can feel like a bit of a drudge. I suspect most of us can relate to aspects of drudgery that we all face, whether it be the amount of washing up to be done, or as in our passage, the drudgery of having to make a journey that you would not do! There are just things that we have to do that we really don’t like, that’s life! But you know what… drudgery doesn’t stay for long… sometimes the washing up gets done and then for a brief moment all’s right with the world. Sometimes the journey can be rough, but the destination can be fab, and of course after the clocks go back, they will leap forward, and the evenings will be lighter and the days longer and warmer and Rob will be happier again! In other words sometimes we have to go through the drudge to get to the good stuff. I wonder if that is why we have the mundane, the ordinary and the drudge, it makes the good things gooder! It makes the fun things funner!
As we go through advent, you may not like the thought of all things you have to get done before Christmas, the gifts to buy, the house to sort, the decorations to put up, the social gatherings of family and friends in places you would rather not go to, eating things you don’t really like, sitting next that person that gets you annoyed, it can get a bit meh, it can feel like a drudge. But during advent we have a chance to rethink the drudge, why not try and saver the mundane drudge of the ordinary stuff, and in it you may be surprised to see something new, and it might make all the stuff you love that much better.
Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by the word Drudge. Use the hashtag #woryem
Drudge of the ordinary
Drudge opens the new
There is time to rethink the drudge in this season of advent
Stop for a moment
What surprises you in the ordinary?
We are a community of faith
Strandlopers on a journey
We have drudged through in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go
Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash

Rob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership team. He has worked in the North East for over 20 years and has vast experience from various roles he has held. He has a passion for Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry as well as beer, beaches and Miniature Schnauzers.
Comments 2
Yeah drudge 9f daily cooking feeding people cleaning washing clothes etc. But who sweeps a room as for the Lord makes it and the action fine. Finding the motivation of love to do the drudge even I things we don’t want to do!
Thank you for this!