Easter and Extinction Rebellion

Rob Wylie2019, Easter, extinction rebellion, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are all well, this week we are meeting at Hugos in Tynemouth, at 8.00pm, it would be great to see you if you are able to join us.

Over the last week or so I have been struck by the protests in London by Extinction Rebellion. I have been in conversation with a mate on Facebook about it, he is an Anglican vicar. He is concerned about non-violent direct action or civil disobedience, and thinks it does nothing to promote the cause, he also suggested that the church should stay clear of it…

For me though… I have a different view… and not least because I believe that followers of Jesus should give a stuff about the planet and get involved where we can. But also because it has biblical precedent. When you look at Jesus he often uses non-violent direct action to challenge the way the world was. Healing on the sabbath, touching lepers, eating with sinners and challenging oppressive religious practices were all forms of non-violent direct action and that’s before we even get to Easter. Holy week and the resurrection of Jesus challenged the narrative of the time and began to forge a new way to be and to live… throughout history we have seen other forms of nonviolent direct action that helped change the narrative (apartheid, civil rights movement, etc) of course these were linked with a political will, but that political will was sometimes brought to light through the direct action.

So, for me, I want to support the action… especially in light of Easter. Riding in on a donkey, turning over tables, giving one’s life for others were all acts of civil disobedience. The resurrection was the ultimate challenge to the powers and authorities of the world, the ultimate act of non-violent direct action.

Some questions:

What do you think of Extinction Rebellion?

Does direct action actually help?

Is the easter story a form of direct action?

So what should we do?

Peace, Rob

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