Feast : Wor Yem : Day 18

Rob Wylie2022, Advent, Sunday@thePub, Wor Yem Leave a Comment

Luke 15:20b-22

Now it is true we probably all like a good feast, there is nothing better than tucking in to your favourite meal and enjoying the chat and banter of those gathered around the table, and Christmas is exactly the time when we will do just that, or like our reading, maybe its the return of an estranged loved one that gathers us together for a feast, in other words feast are for those special occasions.

Although during these special gatherings we are also faced with an element of excess, notably during the Christmas period, when we are faced not only with food, but also with the amount of money that is spent on gift giving and of course parties! This is brought into stark contrast this year when many households will be burdened by the cost of living crises. There is a sense that many people will be feeling guilty as they aren’t able to do the kind of Christmas’ that they have done before, there will be others that will just go gun-ho and put it all on the credit card.

This advent I hope that we will take some time to ponder on our feasting and maybe not be as extravagant as we have done before, maybe you can afford to give just a wee bit more to charities that will be supporting the most vulnerable this time of year.

Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by feast. Use the hashtag #woryem

feast for celebration
feast for thinking of others

There is a feast laid out for you
Stop for a moment
Where are those who will not feast?

We are a community of faith.
Strandlopers on a journey.
There is rest in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go.

Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

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