Hi folks, how are you all doing? This week we are meeting at the Tavern and Galley, 71 The Links, Whitley Bay NE26 1UE from 7.30 We hope you can join us.
Over the last couple of months I have been reading a couple of books that have talked about friendship. First of all I read Miriam Margolyes biography ‘This much is true’. Safe to say this is not for the faint hearted!! It’s a really great read, although she doesn’t hold back on any subject, and her language is rather blue! She has a long term partner whom she has been with since 1968. They also for most of their relationship lived separately, due to their work commitments. As a result Miriam puts a lot of weight behind friendship. She talked a lot about it in her book. She is the one that brings all her old university friends together, she seems to be the gel that holds the group together. If she connects with you, it is more than likely she will hold on to you as a friend.
The other book I have been reading and just finished is Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Zevin Gabrielle. This is a novel and it’s totally brilliant!! I gobbled this book up. It’s about two people Sadie and Sam, who meet when they are young, they become computer programmers making games together. It’s about their relationship and the swings and roundabouts that friendship brings, I won’t say anymore… apart from you need to read it!
Those who know me, know that friendships are really important to me, although they haven’t always been, some of this is because when I was growing up I was very quiet and shy… yes I know some of you won’t believe that, but I was. Also school was a difficult place for me, I didn’t have many friends as I spent most of my time in a small remedial class with a group of kids that, shall we say, were nothing like me. I was bullied mercilessly, and as a result I didn’t build lasting friendships. I’m only vaguely in contact with one person from school, and that’s because he was part of the church youth club! I suspect I’m not alone in this, but you will have other reasons than mine for why you don’t have many friends from school.
Friendship became a thing for me through church, and my spiritual formation changed things for me… in fact I will say it was through my faith that somehow, something was lit in me that allowed me to start connecting with people on a deeper and different level than they had done previously.
Friendship fuels me and gives me the resources to keep going, they challenge and inspire me, they open me up to new ways of being and thinking, they offer a depth that is different to that which you have and give a spouse, although Karen is my best friend! (Don’t be sick)!
In Miriam’s book she says this about friendship – “All I will say is that you show up for your friends on their hardest days. And you hold their hand through the roughest parts. Life is about who is holding your hand and, I think, whose hand you commit to holding”.
I love the idea of journeying with people through the rough and smooth of life, although sometimes that is easier said than done.
So here are some questions to think about.
When you think about friendship, which fictional characters come to mind?
What biblical friendships come to mind?
What is your own experience of friendship?
How can we ‘build’ better friendships within our *community?
*define community anyway you like.
What does friendship tell us about the divine/God?
Peace Rob
Photo by Yael Hofnung on Unsplash

Rob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership team. He has worked in the North East for over 20 years and has vast experience from various roles he has held. He has a passion for Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry as well as beer, beaches and Miniature Schnauzers.