Rob Wylie2019, Music, Prayer, Sunday@thePub, Video Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you folks are good! This week we are meeting at Hugos in Tynemouth, at 8.00pm. We hope to see you there.  The following is based around some resources I came across. 

When we look at the bible we see that it is full of stories of flawed, weird, wonderful and desperate people, all trying to get through life the best they can. Some cling on to God, others struggle and are hounded by regret, heartache and desire… It sounds a lot like us! All of these themes are found in many songs that we listen to. Leonard Cohen wrote a great song, called Hallelujah. Why not check out the live version above… 

Hallelujah directly references 2 Samuel 11 in the second verse and uses a range of other biblical imagery, including a reference to Judges 16, when Samson allows his hair to be cut. Cohen does not see these moments of profound weakness or moral failing as a means of cutting ourselves off from the divine. Instead he imagines them as moments where even in the midst of despair – we can glimpse God. 

These lines are from Cohen’s song:

“And it’s not a cry that you hear at night / It’s not somebody who’s seen the light / It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah” 

Leonard Cohen

So some questions… 

When and where do you listen to music? 

What is your experience of praying and listening to music at the same time? 

How do you feel about a “cold” and “broken” Hallelujah? 

Have you ever found yourself saying a cold and broken Hallelujah? 

What do you think Cohen is getting at here? 


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