Home : Wor Yem : Day 13

Rob Wylie2022, Advent, Sunday@thePub, Wor Yem Leave a Comment

Isaiah 32:1-5 

Isaiah 32:15-18

I wonder where you consider your home to be? I wonder what comes to mind when you ponder on the word home, maybe it’s the house you grew up in, or the region, town, you now reside. It could even be the people that you associate with that make you feel at home. So It could cover a few things. 

What strikes me though is no matter where home actually is, its not just about the place that becomes important, it’s also the associated feelings that it brings. When I go back to Harrogate to see my mum, yes i have the history there, but i also feel comfortable, its a peaceful, restful place, there is something about familiarity that helps that sense of rest. 

It’s also interesting that I actually find ‘home’ in several places. Harrogate will always be home, but North Shields is home for me now, heading back to Estonia earlier in the year it again felt like ‘home’. Edinburgh is also a place I consider home, it was where Karen went to University and we have friends up there. 

When I think about advent, I think about Mary and Jospeh traveling back to Bethlehem for the census, i think about Jesus being born in a ‘stable’ – or whatever it was! it actually makes home to be not that nice, not safe, not altogether comfortable, and arduous! So maybe ‘home’ isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. I’m reminded now of a few classic Christmas movies, Home Alone, where we see Kevin being left alone to fend for himself. I’m reminded of Elf when Buddy goes to New York to find his real father. 

Home is tinted with all kinds of joys and sorrows, it’s important as we travel through this advent that we remember to be kind to each other, as we may be carrying some heavy burdens about what home actually means for us. But i also hope the words of the final verse of our reading will be your experience – May you live in peaceful dwellings and secure homes and may you have undisturbed rest. 

Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by home. Use the hashtag #woryem

Home to rest a while
Home to be a peace

There is a place called home
Stop for a moment
Where is that for you?

We are a community of faith.
Strandlopers on a journey.
There is rest in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go.

Image by Paolo Trabattoni from Pixabay

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