How you doing??

Rob Wylie2020, Anxiety, bible, COVID19, Micah 6:8, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, we are meeting on Zoom this Sunday night, David will produce the link and send it out later, if you want to be involved and aren’t in our messenger groups then please do comment below.

Well, we are living in interesting times aren’t we… Things are changing all the time, not just for us, but for our families and friends alike, as well as charities and business’. We are six months down the line from the start of this and we are looking again at a daunting few months ahead.

I have read some really helpful articles recently that talk about the challenges we have faced and how we have coped with them… or not. They have highlighted the ups and downs and they have shared some of the hard reality that many of us are facing… but they have also said that these feelings and emotions will pass… and we will learn some new ways of dealing with our present reality and maybe find some new sense of creativity!

As I read them I was reminded of the time I spent in Estonia, I was in my early 20’s and I remember the first six months being really difficult, getting to know new people, adjusting to a new role and the challenge of living in a new country… but reading these articles reminded me… that i got through it… It wasn’t easy… but i did it…

Its true that life is like that… we face tough things all the time in different ways, and we find that we navigate our way through them somehow… Sometimes they end up in not so happy endings and other times they do… What is true right now though is that we are all facing the same thing, although our experiences are different and we may not all be in the same mental and emotional place as each other.

What i do know is that we can try and be kind to each other and be kind to ourselves. … and maybe thats what we all need to do at the moment…

I love these words from Micah 6:8 “what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Maybe in this time we would do well to hear these words…

Some questions

What has been the best thing that’s happened for you this week?

How are you feeling about our current situation right now?

What past experience can you bring in to play as we face this pandemic?

How do these words from Micah help you reflect on the way you could face our present situation?

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