Rob Wylie2019, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks,

I trust you are well, this week we are meeting at the Crescent Club at 8.00pm, meeting in the upstairs front bar. You would be very welcome to join us if you are able.

Over the years we have covered a number of topics and subjects, from the environment, to politics, war, justice, community, and of course issues around the Christian faith. In the midst of the topics there has been a sense of wanting to try and grow a sense of community, either live or online.

This week I want to hear from you… what are the themes you would love to discuss? What ways could we develop themes, and explore issues. I wonder to, if you had a crystal ball what kind of themes, issues we could be facing in the future? I also wonder what kind of God questions are you asking? 

Why not come along on Sunday night and share what you think… 


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