Is the church relevant in today’s world?

Guest Blog2019, Church, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you have managed to stay cool in this fab weather! This week we will be meeting at 8.00pm at the Quarry Pub on the Broadway, we hope to see you there. This week we have a guest blog from John Morley.

The month of August will be a laid back month, we will be continue to meet each week for those of you who are around but we wont be doing anything formal.

Is the church relevant in today’s world?

I suspect those reading this will have very polarised responses to this question but the more I thought about it the more shades of gray I came across.

On the one hand many of us get a lot of our inspiration and motivation from outside the church…

But many of us have been inspired and brought up in one sense or another by the church…

Many, sadly may have experiences where the church may have been worse than irrelevant to them. Abuse issues are often in the news and when we think of issues challenging our society and world, where is the church?

On climate change, immigration, lgbt rights, disarmament, inequality… where is the church?

However the church rightly in my view claims many positives too. Personal testimonies of church inspired transformation are prolific and worldwide. Others include: Martin Luther King and Civil disobedience, Shelter for the homeless, anti- people trafficking charities, the Samaritans, Alcoholics Anonymous and food banks to name just a few church originated activities.

So questions…

What is the church?

Is the church important to you?

If there were no church would we have noticed it or missed anything?

How has the church been most relevant to you?

Least relevant?Relevant to what?

What would your perfect church be like?

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