Let’s Talk About Halloween!

Guest Blog2018, Halloween, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you folks are doing ok, and that you are coping with one less hour of daylight! This week we are meeting at the Crescent Club at 8.00pm if you are around and want to join us, we meet upstairs in the front room overlooking the harbour. This weeks guest blog is from Karen Morley.

I’d like to have a (friendly?!) debate about Halloween. 

It’s something I struggle with more and more as the years go by. Initially we didn’t engage with it at all. Christians don’t celebrate Halloween. The last three years or so we’ve carved a pumpkin with a heart and given out sweeties to callers. Sometimes I’ve thought we should perhaps add a message (I know Eva does, and it was well received). 

Last night I happened to be out at the same time as the Trick or Treaters. This is what I saw:

A father and young daughter skipping hand in hand in costume having a special time together.

People standing on their doorsteps and engaging with their community.

Mum’s hovering in the background making sure everyone was safe.

People having fun. 

People, who at least to the outward appearance, “living life in all it’s fullness”. Hang on! Isn’t that our job?

Meanwhile, while everyone was out celebrating, my children stayed home. Because, someone has to be in to bless those who visit us, right? 

Some questions.

What is your experience of halloween?

What REALLY is Halloween celebrating?

What do you know about the festival of Samhain? 

What do you think the church should do with halloween?

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