Let’s Talk About Trees!

Rob Wylie2018, Environment, Psalms, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok? This week we are meeting at the Kittiwake at 8.00pm, it would be lovely to see you if you are able.

This week I want to talk about the trees! Psalm 1 talks about the trees like this, it says that we are ‘like trees planted by a stream of water that bears fruit in season’. At our last walking pilgrimage we had the opportunity to walk through the trees along the side of the river, it was beautiful. The leaves, changing colour as the autumn season starts to take hold, the water running by, and along the way we saw a tree which had fallen showing us some of its root and another tree that had come down that we had to go under… so nature and the trees move to their season of dormancy while the constant flow of water runs past, that in due time will bring forth life again. Here we have a scene of life and death in contrast with each other.

This passage also reminds us that we walk in this sense of life and death, the challenge for us is to be people that bring forth life and hope. It seems to me that there is a sense of stewardship in this passage, yes of course to the created order and how we look after the planet, but also wider than that, does it not challenge us to think about the way we relate to each other and even to ourselves. So some questions to ponder…

Have you ever hugged a tree?

How do you feel about autumn?

What words or phrases connect with you in this Psalm?

How does this sense of stewardship challenge you to relate to nature, others and yourself? 


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