Love is coming

Rob Wylie2020, Advent, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, how are we doing? We gather together on zoom again at 8.00pm on Sunday. If you would like to join in but don’t usually get the link please do let me know and we can include you.
We find ourselves moving into Advent and approaching Christmas with all the uncertainty we have become accustomed to since the beginning of the year. It’s painfully obvious that life for the foreseeable future won’t be easy, particularly as we try to get our heads around what we do about Christmas!
I was watching a short video about advent to try and get some inspiration for this reflection, the guy I was listening to talked about a song by Crosby, Stills and Nash called Carry on, recorded in 1970! We will play it on Sunday night, but click on the link to have a listen.
Basically as we journey through advent we know the story, we know the ending… we know that we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus and that love is coming. Those are the words in the refrain of the song, ‘Love is coming!’
Advent always reminds us to be thankful. We know something good is coming. We know that love is coming as we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birth!
But we also know that love is already here. In the midst of all we are facing right now we are not alone, love is with us, Jesus is with us!
So in the midst of the pain and struggle of these times let’s be thankful.
Some questions:
Have you put your Christmas tree up yet?
What’s your favourite thing in the run up to Christmas?
How are you feeling about Christmas this year?
With all that’s gone on this year what two or three things are you thankful for?
Peace, Rob

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