Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok? This week we will head back to Platform 2 on Tynemouth Station, meeting at 7.30. We are having a break from the Beatitudes with something slightly different. We were going to see a movie at the cinema, but it’s not currently on at Jam Jar and the other option was going to be a bit pricey.
We would like you to watch a movie called Opal Dream on iplayer, here is the link:
The movie is about a young girl and about her relationship with her imaginary friends as it resonates throughout her town in the Australian Outback. Sounds good! It’s just shy of an hour thirty long.
We haven’t watched it yet… So based on nothing at all, here are some questions!?!
- Did you have imaginary friends when you were growing up? If so, tell us about them…
- What did you think about the movie? What score would you give it?
- Who did you relate to most in the movie and why?
- What does the movie teach us?
- In what way do you think it had any spiritual resonance?
Peace Rob
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Rob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership team. He has worked in the North East for over 20 years and has vast experience from various roles he has held. He has a passion for Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry as well as beer, beaches and Miniature Schnauzers.