Glenn Dyer2019, Music, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks,

this week we are meeting at the Kittiwake, it would be great to see you if you are around, meeting from 8.00pm.

Have you ever played in a band?
If you could play in any band which one would it be?
What’s the most important part of a band?
If you haven’t watched the video, please do, now!

Ok, if you weren’t moved by that, please check your pulse, you may be dead.

The power of music to inspire and move never ceases to amaze me. However that’s not necessarily the point I want to take from the video. Getting 4 or 5 people together to play, in time, agreeing on the song and enjoying themselves can be a minor miracle, never mind 1000. Look at their faces, just look at their faces, so much joy. Driven by one song and rocking it. What can we learn from this for the church? Are we driven by one song? Do we like the song that is playing?

Musical differences have been the downfall off many bands, you all have to be focused in the same direction. You have to listen to each other. The lead singer and guitarists may think they are the legends but if they don’t listen to the rhythm section, everyone suffers. How do we put the band back together, how do we rock the world?

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