Thanks and help…

Rob Wylie2022, Christmas, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, hope you are doing ok!? Just a quick message to say thank you to everyone who donated to the reverse advent calendar for Walking With I had a boot full of stuff, see photo! 

Thanks also to the new folks who have joined Common Change to help us support the vulnerable, if you would like to join then please do talk to David.  

If you didn’t get a chance to support it there are a couple of other ways you can support projects that some of us are involved with over Christmas. Both Sue and I work at Brunswick and through her role up there she often refers people to the People’s Kitchen, they had a call out for finances  to provide meals £5 pays for a meal, if you want to know more click on this link. 

Also Karen and I are doing Make Christmas Special again this year, which means we will be helping serve Christmas dinners on Christmas day for those who are alone and/or need support. If you would like to support this project see the attached as to how you can give. 

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