The ‘lack’

Rob Wylie2020, Lack, Peter Rollins, Sin, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are ok, I will send the zoom link later on Sunday. (Let me know if you want to be involved)

I thought it would be worth sharing some further thoughts to our podcast that I posted at the start of the week. Pete tackles a number of themes in his podcast, which if you get chance is worth a listen, but Its not an easy listen, it will hurt your head! (Just ask Pauline)!

One of the themes he covers is around ‘lack’ check out this very short video clip to help you feel your way in.

Basically the idea behind ‘lack’ is that we may have heard it described in other ways before, maybe as ‘the God shaped hole’. The premise is that when we are born there is this sense that something is missing, or something isn’t quite right, in faith terms we may have called it original sin. Pete talks about this in different terms, he suggest that we can’t get rid of this ‘lack’, but that we rather need to embrace it, and learn to live with it.

So some questions

What’s your favourite way to waste time?

What do you think about this idea of ‘lack’?

What could help us overcome the ‘lack’?

How does faith relate to ‘lack’?


Peace Rob

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