Hi folks, how are you doing? This week we will try something a bit different. We will meet for a walk. Meet at Cullercoats opposite Bills Fish Bar at 7.00pm, and we will walk along the top or on the beach depending on how you feel towards Tynemouth and back again.
We also have a garden group meeting for those that don’t want to walk. Please let me know.
Over the last fifteen months many of us have been walking as part of our daily exercise, particularly when we were in lockdown. In those early days of lockdown, we were noticing a lot more about what was around us, both sights and sounds. I wonder if you are still doing that? And if you are, what are you noticing? The pictures on this post are from a recent walk.
Also when we walk we might be able to ponder on some issues or questions we are thinking through. David introduced me to this phrase ‘Solvitur ambulando’ . It’s a Latin phrase which means “it is solved by walking” and is often attributed to Saint Augustine. I wonder if you enjoy walking and thinking? How is that helpful for you? What do you ‘do’ when you walk?
I find that I am able to listen to things more intently when I’m walking, so I like to listen to an album or podcast, I find it very restorative. What are you listening to as you walk?
It may also be the case that as you walk that you ‘pray’, if that’s you, how does that work for you?
So as we walk or gather, why not chat these things through. Why not share some photos as you go. You can post them here or on any of the platforms that we inhabit.
Peace, Rob

Rob Wylie is the founder of BeachcomberFX and guides its leadership team. He has worked in the North East for over 20 years and has vast experience from various roles he has held. He has a passion for Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry as well as beer, beaches and Miniature Schnauzers.