
Rob Wylie2019, Ethics, Health, Question, Sunday@thePub Leave a Comment

Hi folks, I hope you are well, this week we are meeting at the Crescent Club, meeting in the front bar overlooking the seafront at 8.00pm, I hope you can join us.

This week I want to talk about mosquitoes! If you have ever been abroad, and as you walk along, you notice a fella with big blotches on their legs and as you look at them you realise theyare mosquito bites… well I am that man! They like my blood… it’s one of the things I hate most about being abroad! Will I get eaten alive? 

This week you may have seen the news story related to a genetically modified fungus that kills 99% of malaria carrying mosquitoes… Check the story out here This story struck me first of all because of my loathing of mosquitoes! Secondly, because it could be a game changer in the fight against the 400,000 malaria deaths due to these blood suckers! 

But then it had me asking other questions: 

What happens if this fungus gets clever and starts killing other species down the food chain?

What about the whole GM thing? medical science, crops, designer babies etc. 

What about the question of medalling with nature? 

So we have lots of ethics questions here… If you could GM anything away, what would it be?! Where do we draw the line? Who draws the line? Where does God fit into all this? 

Peace, Rob

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